Tumbuh Primary School (Tumbuh Preparatory & SD Tumbuh 3) is an inclusive school for age 4-12 years old kids. With the tagline Cultivating Global Mind Embracing Local Wisdom, Tumbuh Primary School is preparing the students to be ready as global citizens.
Location :
nDalem Mangkubumen KTIII/264, Yogyakarta 55132
+62 857 4722 8854
Tumbuh Primary School applies International Primary Curriculum and National Curriculum. IPC makes children to enjoy their learning, develops enquiring minds and develops the personal qualities. It designed for children with abilities and all learning styles, and focus children learning on a combination of knowledge, skills, and understanding.
With global citizenship as school’s character, the students learn about adaptability, cooperation, communication, morality, enquiry, thoughtfulness, resilience, and respect. By having those characters, the students will give meaningful contribution to the environment, to the country, and to the universe.
Character building, Outing (mini trip, field trip), Kelas Literasi, Digital Learning, Tumbuh Fair, Monday Assembly, Class Meeting, Little Librarian, Reading Buddies, BTYL (Biotechnology for Young Learners), Koperasi Siswa, Pasar Anak, Dokter Kecil, Parents Participation.
Karawitan, Batik, Tari tradisional, Futsal, Aikido, Biola, Komputer, Renang, Lukis, Sains, Lasy.
Anak tumbuh dan berkembang sebagai pembelajar yang berkarakter, menghargai keberagaman, mencintai tanah air, dan kearifan lokal, serta menunjukkan kesadaran sebagai warga dunia
Kampus Terpadu
Jl. KH. Ali Maksum Panggungharjo, Sewon, Bantul, 55188
Digital Learning
PSB Online